IPA Partnership

The Illinois Retired Teachers Association and the Illinois Principals Association (IPA) are working together to benefit the memberships of both Associations.  Here’s how it works: When an active member of IPA retires and joins IPA Retired, the membership in IPA Retired automatically includes membership in the Illinois Retired Teachers Association.

Illinois Retired Teachers Association and IPA have a history of working together on various issues. The IPA has always helped us to promote the Illinois Retired Teachers Association Foundation grants by sending flyers and emails to its members. Illinois Retired Teachers Association, on the other hand, has always provided a seminar to those IPA members who are about to retire from education.

This partnership is a win-win situation for both Associations. The IPA provides to its retired members both the benefits and the representation resulting from Illinois Retired Teachers Association membership. We increase our membership of retired Illinois educators, as well as increase the association’s exposure to the active IPA membership. This partnership is another positive step in our membership recruitment efforts in school districts.

If you are currently a member of Illinois Retired Teachers Association but are also eligible for IPA Retired membership, please consider joining IPA Retired.

Attention School Building Administrators!
You’re invited to join the IL Principals Association for only $75 which includes your Illinois Retired Teachers Association dues.
Click here or call Lisa at 217-241-2648.