Illinois Retired Teachers Association Political Action Committee Donations
Illinois Retired Teachers Association Political Action Committee is a statewide, nonpartisan Political Action Committee (PAC) organized by members of the Illinois Retired Teachers Association to benefit the entire retired educator community through political contributions to state candidates. The IRTAPAC depends on your donations to ensure that retirees voices are heard in the halls of the government.
To make a one time contribution, send a check to: Illinois Retired Teachers Association PAC, 828 S. Second St., 4th Floor, Springfield, IL 62704.
To donate using your credit card, click the donate button. Minimum credit card donation is $12. You may also set up re-occuring donations with your credit card.
You must be a TRS annuitant to join the $1/month club.
A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Boards official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL